Storage { { Format 1.33 } { GeneratedFrom TSSD-version-2.20 } { WrittenBy vanrein } { WrittenOn "" } } Document { { Type "Static Structure Diagram" } { Name workflow-dns-queue-datastructure.ssd } { Author vanrein } { CreatedOn "" } { Annotation "" } { Hierarchy False } } Page { { PageOrientation Landscape } { PageSize A4 } { ShowHeaders False } { ShowFooters False } { ShowNumbers False } } Scale { { ScaleValue 1 } } # GRAPH NODES SSDClassNode 1 { { Name "Queue" } { Annotation "" } { Parent 0 } { Index "" } { Attributes 0 } { Operations 0 } { Stereotype "<< - >>" } { Properties "{ - }" } } SSDClassNode 2 { { Name "QueuedZone\r[Getting]" } { Annotation "" } { Parent 0 } { Index "" } { Attributes 2 } { Attribute "zone" } { Attribute "priority" } { Operations 0 } { Stereotype "<< - >>" } { Properties "{ - }" } } SSDClassNode 3 { { Name "QueuedZone\r[Putting]" } { Annotation "" } { Parent 0 } { Index "" } { Attributes 2 } { Attribute "zone" } { Attribute "priority" } { Operations 0 } { Stereotype "<< - >>" } { Properties "{ - }" } } SSDClassNode 4 { { Name "QueuedZone\r[Ready]" } { Annotation "" } { Parent 0 } { Index "" } { Attributes 2 } { Attribute "zone" } { Attribute "priority" } { Operations 0 } { Stereotype "<< - >>" } { Properties "{ - }" } } Comment 5 { { Name "QUEUE CLASS DIAGRAM" } { Annotation "" } { Parent 0 } { Index "" } } Note 6 { { Name "\rMuch of the DNS workflow hinges on the Queue's operation. Internally, the Queue holds QueuedZones\rwhich list zone updates. The [states] refer to the state diagram for the QueuedZone, and instances\rmove accordingly in this diagram when the proper (un)lock operation works on the Queue.\r\rAny number of QueuedZones can be in state [Putting], but no more than one per zone.\rAny number of QueuedZones can be [Ready] but a zone can only overtake _other_ zones.\rAt most one QueuedZone can be the current [Getting] instance.\r" } { Annotation "" } { Parent 0 } { Index "" } } SSDClassNode 7 { { Name "RRset" } { Annotation "" } { Parent 0 } { Index "" } { Attributes 0 } { Operations 0 } { Stereotype "<< - >>" } { Properties "{ - }" } } SSDClassNode 8 { { Name "ResourceRecord" } { Annotation "" } { Parent 0 } { Index "" } { Attributes 3 } { Attribute "dnsname" } { Attribute "dnstype" } { Attribute "valueset" } { Operations 0 } { Stereotype "<< - >>" } { Properties "{ - }" } } # GRAPH EDGES SSDAggregationEdge 9 { { Name "" } { Annotation "" } { Parent 0 } { Subject1 4 } { Subject2 1 } { Constraint1 "0..*" } { 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